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what is venturi flume - Campare venture meter and orifice meter.

Campare venture meter and orifice meter.

Venture meter:-

A venturi meter is a tool used to measure the flow rate of a pipe fluid.

It cosist of three parts-

(1). A short converging part

(2). Throat

(3). Diverging part

It is based on the principle of bernaulli’s equation.

Orifice meter:-

It is an instrument used to measure the fluid flow rate through a pipe.
It's cheaper than a venture meter device. It also operates in the same way as the venture meter principle.

Venture flume

A venture flume is a critical flow, open flume with a restricted flow, resulting in a fall in the line of hydraulic grade, producing a critical depth.

It is used in very high flow rates flow measurements, generally provided in millions of cubic units.


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